Pilną informaciją apie darbuotoją matysite užsiregistravę šiame puslapyje (tai mokama paslauga)

Vardas: Oleksandr
Pavardė: ******

Profesija: Studentas

Ką moku ir norėčiau dirbti: My skills are: High-level communication skills and team work Particular understanding how to perform task Proficiency with MS Office (Excel, Powerpoint, etc.) Have personal traits like: creativity,positive,collaborative and open-minded Computer literacy
Patirtis: 0 m.
Etatas: Pastovus
Kuriam laikotarpiui norėtų įsidarbinti: 6 mėnesiams
Atlyginimas: 950 €   (iki mokesčių išskaitymo, t.y. "ant popieriaus")
Pursuing Bachelor of Business Management(2 year student), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Completed the last semester with an average grade higher than 9
Additional Education
Google Project Management Course - “Foundations of Project Management” (Google Career Certificates)
Internships or related to Custome/Marketing/Finance fields
Mėgstu dirbti: Komandoje
Kuo esu pranašesnė(is) už kitus: I am open-minded person,always ready to challange, know 3 languages and easy learning person
Kalbos: English-B2, Ukrainian-Native, Russian-Native
Kompiuteriniai sugebėjimai: Excellent computer literacy
Pomėgiai: Sports and video games
Rūkymas: Visiškai nerūkau
Alkoholis: Visiškai negeriu
Reikalavimai darbdaviui: Great team and career growth opportunities
Kita: I’m the person who is always up for a new challenge.
Proactive person (was a team captain for 5 years) during this period I formed as a professional person with some qualities:
1)honesty with myself
2)staying human in any situations

Miestas: Vilnius
Telefonas: ******
Email: ******
Paskelbta: 2024.02.16